Collaboration between Baltic Countries

The Estonian Health Insurance Fund, the Latvian National Health Service and the Lithuanian National Health Insurance Fund under the Ministry of Health have signed a collaboration agreement that entered into force on January 1st 2017 and is valid for undertermined period.

The purpose of the agreement is to share information and develop cooperation in the field of compulsory health insurance in accordance with the legislation applicable within the territories of their countries and the international law.

The Baltic health insurance funds are cooperating in the following priority areas:

1.      health system reforms;

2.      collection and pooling of the compulsory health insurance revenues;

3.      managing the register of persons eligible for the compulsory health insurance;

4.      basic principles for contracting with healthcare providers and pharmacies and supervision of contracts;

5.      reimbursement methods of healthcare services and pharmaceuticals;

6.      surveillance of healthcare providers and pharmacies;

7.      reimbursement of innovative technologies;

8.      other areas of common interest.

According to the collaboration agreement representatives from each insurance fund meet at least once a year and additionaly exchange information via expert groups and study visits.

Latvian National Health Service

Lithuanian National Health Insurance Fund

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