Health Portal

The Health Portal is a digital gateway that provides access to personal and family health information.

Recently, people's health awareness has increased, raising expectations for the accessibility of health data. During the coronavirus pandemic, awareness of the digital record rose, particularly in viewing COVID-19 certificates and test results, which led to negative feedback and made the creation of the health portal a priority.

The digital record has changed little over the past decade—the concept and design remained similar since the last major update in 2013.

Users highlighted the following concerns with the digital record:

  • Data quality
  • Different user groups
  • Simplification and translation of medical terms
  • Document-based thinking
  • Expectations and restrictions arising from legislation

The Birth of the New Portal

On November 27, 2023, the health portal replaced the previous digital record. The main goal in developing the new health portal was to make it more user-friendly. We updated the services from the previous, making it convenient and smooth to view health-related data. Additionally, we simplified complex medical terms, which were a major challenge to understand in the old portal. For example, people might not know what the term "epicrisis" means.


The Biggest Challenges in Developing the New Portal:

  • Data quality
  • Different user groups
  • Simplification and translation of medical terms
  • Document-based thinking
  • Expectations and restrictions arising from legislation

Testing and feedback

The health portal team aims to provide a good user experience by being open to people, listening to their needs, and involving various target groups and service users.

Last spring, we engaged the public through a social media call to gather feedback on the first services and the dashboard. Nearly 200 people participated in the campaign, and based on their feedback, the desired adjustments were made.

We test each service with users. The statistics from the Health and Welfare Information Systems Center (TEHIK) user support reveal that from the launch of the portal until today, TEHIK has received 5,322 different inquiries. This valuable feedback is essential for the ongoing improvement and enhancement of the user experience of the portal. Additionally, we have involved general practitioners, dentists, the Estonian Society for Laboratory Medicine, the Health Board, the Estonian Blind Union, the Estonian Chamber of Disabled People, and others in creating services.

Target Group

The health portal consolidates a person's health data, and treatment information, and provides an overview of interactions with healthcare. The users of the health portal are all Estonian citizens who can use a computer/mobile phone and want to find information about their own and their family's health status as well as health promotion.

During the design and analysis of the health portal, three significant user groups with different needs were identified – children, healthy young people, and those with chronic illnesses.


In 2023, there were over 7.7 million logins to the digital record portal, meaning each person logged in about five times a year.

As of March 31, 2024, there have been over 2.7 million logins to the health portal.

The average number of monthly logins to the digital record was 640,000, while for the health portal, it was 900,000.

One of the most notable indicators of the new health portal's success is the high level of mobile use. Unlike the previous digital record, where the ratio of mobile to computer users was roughly equal, the number of mobile users has now grown to at least two-thirds of all users.

Advantages of the Health Portal

  • Quick access to health data
  • All health information in one place
  • Texts and language are more understandable – simplified wording is used where possible; medical documents still contain medical terms, but the dashboard and subpages are linguistically more accessible
  • Accessibility – the health portal meets 99.9% of EN 301 549 requirements
  • Increased health awareness and prevention
  • Technological innovations – feature flags are used in the health portal, allowing updates to be applied gradually and in a controlled manner
  • Reusable components – the TEHIK component library was enhanced as part of the development

Your Health Information in One Place

The Health Portal consolidates your health data, and treatment information, and provides an overview of your interactions with healthcare.

On the homepage, you'll find health-promoting and science-based information. On your personal dashboard (log in securely with an ID card, Mobile-ID, or Smart-ID), you can see your upcoming appointments, unfilled prescriptions, tests, analyses, and visits from the past six months, as well as vaccination recommendations.

Detailed Information about Your Health Includes:

  • Appointments and Referrals: Referrals, upcoming appointments, and screening invitations.
  • Prescriptions and Medical Devices: Prescriptions and previously prescribed medications.
  • Health History: Illnesses, tests, analyses, and appointments since 2009.
  • Dental Health: Treatment overview since 2015.
  • Vaccinations: Overview and additional information on the national immunization schedule and vaccination recommendations.
  • Health Certificates and Declarations: Health certificates for driving and health declarations.
  • Work Ability: Summaries of assessment decisions since early 2020.
  • Medical Bills: Invoices submitted by healthcare institutions and paid by the Health Insurance Fund.
  • Logbook: Who and when has accessed your health information system data.

In the Health Portal, you can appoint representatives for various actions, such as purchasing prescriptions and viewing health data. Additionally, the portal allows you to submit declarations of intent, including blood transfusion, organ donation, and body donation.

Services Added to the Health Portal This Year

  • Sick Leave Certificates
  • Balance of Dental and Prosthesis Benefits, Blood Type Information
  • Digital Registration with a New User Experience and Design
  • Notifications: For example, about prescription expiration or dental visits, available in the health portal as well as via SMS and email
  • Integration with National Registers and Information Systems: Allowing seamless movement from one self-service to another without needing to log in again (GovSSO)

Portal Creators and Maintainers

The Health Insurance Fund (Tervisekassa) is responsible for the necessary content and ensures that the health portal will be even more useful in the future.

Service design and development are managed by the Health and Welfare Information Systems Center (TEHIK) in collaboration with development partners Iglu, Industry62, Snowhound, and DUX.

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