About us

The Organisation

The purpose of health insurance in Estonia is to cover the costs of health services provided to insured persons, prevent and cure diseases, finance the purchase of medicinal products and partly certain medical technical aids and provide temporary incapacity benefit and other benefits.  Our goal is to provide health insurance that helps people maintain their health and solve their health problems. In order to achieve that we are increasingly advocating for disease prevention, health promotion and e-health development. 

The main task of the Health Insurance Fund is to organize national health insurance to provide insured people with access to necessary healthcare services, medicines, medical equipment and cash benefits.

The mission of the Health Insurance Fund- Wisely distributed funds for treatment to keep you healthy.

The vision of the Health Insurance Fund- Healthy people of Estonia live longer.

The Estonian health care system is based on solidarity or unified health insurance. This makes it possible to provide the same quality medical care to all insured people.

 The Health Insurance Fund is guided by two principles when organizing health insurance:

  • Solidarity - Currently employed insured persons cover the costs of health insurance for those currently unemployed. It means solidarity between generations - the cost of health care for children, students and pensioners is fully covered by those currently employed. It also means solidarity between employed persons whose financial contribution to the health insurance depends on their income, not on their personal health risks, and who receive health insurance benefits on an equal basis, regardless of the size of their financial contribution.
  • Equal treatment - We guarantee equal rights and equal treatment for all insured persons and partners in accordance with applicable legislation.

The Estonian health insurance system complies with internationally approved principles:

  • As much of the population as possible must be covered with health insurance.
  • The scope of health insurance must be as wide as possible, i.e. based on the principle of solidarity, health insurance must offer a package of health services that is as comprehensive, coherent and modern as possible.
  • Health insurance must be as far-reaching as possible, i.e. the out-of-pocket expenses of a person in the total cost of treatment must be optimal and should not lead to poverty risk.

Strategic goals of the Health Insurance Fund until 2025:

  • Health journey - people can better take care of their health.

  • Treatment journey - necessary treatment is accessible to people through a rational selection of services.

  • Digital journey - automation of health-related services provides people with additional time.

  • The Health Insurance Fund is an esteemed service-based health insurance organization.

The objectives, functions, competence, bases for activities and the bodies of the Estonian Health Insurance Fund are provided by the Estonian Health Insurance Fund Act and the Articles of Association of the Health Insurance Fund.

The supreme body of the Estonian Health Insurance Fund is the Supervisory Board, the members of which represent the interests of employers, insured persons and the state.

The Health Insurance Fund is led by Management Board, which is chaired by Rain Laane since 16.10.2017.

Contact of the client service

If you have any questions about health care and health insurance? Ask us!

We will respond quickly and, if necessary, involve healthcare professionals to provide the best response to your query.

View, call or write:

  • +372 669 6630  
  • Instagram
  • You can also send a paper letter to Liivalaia 36, Tallinn 10132


Please use the e-services of the Health Insurance Fund on the state portal eesti.ee.

You can also write to us at info [at] tervisekassa.ee or call +372 669 6630.

We will answer you Mon, Tue 8.30-16.30; Wed, Thu, Fri 8.30-14.00.

Any applications and other documents on paper should be set by post to Liivalaia 36, Tallinn 10132, or brought to the mailboxes of our offices.

Tallinn: Liivalaia 36

Jõhvi: Nooruse 5

Tartu: Riia 142

Pärnu: Suur-Jõe 63

PLEASE NOTE! We provide customer service on the basis of an advance booking. Please book an appointment via tervisekassa.ee/en/broneerimine or by calling +372 669 6630.

Let's take care of our health!

General information of the Health Insurance Fund

Liivalaia 36, 10132 Tallinn

info [at] tervisekassa.ee (info[at]tervisekassa[dot]ee)

+372 669 6630

Health Insurance Fund register code: 74000091

Submission of applications

We can issue information containing personal data to you only if you have identified yourself.
You can do it if

  • send an e-mail with a digitally signed application to info [at] tervisekassa.ee (info[at]tervisekassa[dot]ee)
  • send a hand-signed application to the Health Insurance Fund by mail: Liivalaia 36, Tallinn 10132

NB! Information containing a sensitive topic (e.g. health data) is sent by encrypted email or by registered letter.

Sending documents to the health insurance fund encrypted

If you want to send documents with sensitive data by e-mail, encrypt them with DigiDoc4 software. To do this, select "Haigekassa (Tervisekassa) krüpteerimissertifikaat" as the recipient and then encrypt the document. Read more.

Contact us

If you have any questions about health care and health insurance, please contact the Customer Service of the Health Insurance Fund. We will respond quickly and, if necessary, involve healthcare professionals to provide the best response to your query. You will receive an answer within an average of 5 working days, but no later than within 30 calendar days.

It is possible to use Estonian, English and Russian language while calling to the Health Insurance Fund.  Written requests are answered in Estonian and English. Assistance in customer service office is provided in Estonian, English and Russian language.

We can disclose information containing your personal data only when we have verified your identity as a person requesting information or clarification. To verify your identity at information request you can choose between the following options:

  • send an e-mail with a digitally signed application to info [at] tervisekassa.ee (info[at]tervisekassa[dot]ee)
  • send a hand-signed application to by mail: Liivalaia 36, Tallinn 10132
  • come to a Customer Service Office  of the Health Insurance Fund and present your personal identification document
  • call to the Health Insurance Fund infoline and identify yourself either with your mobile-ID or with smart-ID. 

Feedback and suggestions

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