Health Insurance

Estonia has joint national health insurance, which enables to provide healthcare of equal quality to all insured persons.

The Health Insurance Fund pays the medical expenses for persons covered by health insurance. Insured persons are those that pay social tax or for whom it is paid. In addition to these persons, the persons equal to insured persons that have entered into voluntary contracts with Health Insurance Fund have the right to health insurance in Estonia.

An insured person is a permanent resident of Estonia or a person residing in Estonia on the basis of a temporary residence permit or the right of residence or a person legally staying and working in Estonia based on a temporary ground for stay for whom a payer of social tax must pay social tax or who pays social tax for themselves.

Principle of solidarity

The old and the young, the poor and the wealthy, the sick and the healthy are all equal to each other. Generations are also in solidarity – the healthcare costs for children, students, and the elderly are mainly paid for from social tax paid by current workers. The rate of social tax is 33% and 13% of that is used for health insurance.

In a solidarity-based system, the personal morbidity risk is not considered. Everyone receives health insurance benefits on an equal basis, irrespective of their contribution.

Principle of equal and uniform treatment

We ensure the equal rights and opportunities of all insured persons to receive health insurance benefits and ensure uniform treatment according to laws and other legislative acts.

Frequently asked questions - FAQ

Kui lapseootele jäänud naisel on kehtiv ravikindlustus mingil muul alusel, nt töölepingu alusel, ei pea ta end Tervisekassas rasedana arvele võtma. Küll aga peab ta seda tegema juhul, kui tal ei ole kehtivat ravikindlustust. Sellisel juhul tuleb Tervisekassasse esitada arsti või ämmaemanda väljastatud raseda tõend ja avaldus, mille alusel vormistatakse ravikindlustus.

Lapsele ravikindlustuse saamiseks ei pea Tervisekassale avaldust esitama. Kui lapse elukoht on rahvastikuregistris registreeritud Eestisse, jõustub kindlustus automaatselt.

Kui pärast registreerimist ei ole lapse andmed paari tööpäeva jooksul Tervisekassasse jõudnud, tuleb helistada klienditelefonile (+372) 669 6630 või saata kiri info [at] 

Ühel Eestis elaval mittetöötaval vanemal, kes kasvatab kolme või enamat alla 19-aastast last, kellest vähemalt üks on alla 8-aastane, on õigus saada ravikindlustus riigilt. Ravikindlustuse saamiseks tuleb pöörduda sotsiaalkindlustusametisse, mis edastab vajalikud andmed Tervisekassasse ning ravikindlustus tekib inimesele viie päeva jooksul.

Võimalus on registreerida end ülalpeetavaks abikaasaks. Ravikindlustuse saab ülalpeetav abikaasa, kellel on vanaduspensionieani vähem kui viis aastat. Ravikindlustuse saamiseks tuleb tal esitada taotlus Tervisekassale.


Ravikindlustuse kehtivust saab kontrollida riigiportaalist või helistades Tervisekassa klienditelefonile (+372) 669 6630.

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