Certification of insurance periods - Form E104

Form E104 is issued to a person based on an application.
1. The application entitles persons to apply for certification of insurance periods valid in the Health Insurance Fund.
2. The application entitles persons to apply for certification of insurance periods expired in the Health Insurance Fund.


By submitting the application you can request EHIF to terminate your insurances. Termination of insurance in one country is necessary for the insurance period to start in another country. A person can only have one country of affiliation.

  • child
  • old age pensioner
  • dependent spouse
  • pregnant woman
  • foreign student

EHIF does not terminate insurance covers on other bases (e.g. employee, person receiving childcare allowance). In such case, a person must first turn to the company that provided them insurance and apply there for the termination of insurance cover. For example, an employee should apply to their employer, a caregiver of a person with a disability to a local government, a person receiving childcare allowance to the Social Insurance Board.

Send or take the application to a customer service office where the insurance cover of persons indicated on the application is terminated, if necessary. Pursuant to the Population Register Act, the population register must be notified of your new residence if you are moving to another EU member state.

EHIF cannot terminate the abovementioned insurance cover until a corresponding note has been made in the population register!

The customer service offices will send form E104 to the address indicated on the application.

You can check the validity of your health insurance cover by calling the EHIF's customer service +669 6630 (Mon-Fri 8:30am to 4:30pm).

Application for obtaining certificate E104.

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