Employees of EHIF

Legal and Information Management Department


The department advises the employees and contractual partners of the Health Insurance Fund in legal matters and ensures the effective functioning of the Health Insurance Fund through unified information management.

Head of department, legal and information management department Ergo Pallo

+372 620 8441

Liivalaia 36, 10132, Tallinn

Head of Internal Audit

Erly Feld

Internal auditing is an independent, objective, assurance and advisory activity designed to add value to and improve an organization's operations. It contributes to the achievement of the organization's goals by using a systematic and orderly approach to assess and improve the effectiveness of risk management, control and governance processes.

Head of Internal Audit Erly Feld

+372 620 8492

Liivalaia 36, 10132, Tallinn

Human Resources Department


We contribute to the development of the Health Insurance Fund by supporting the success of our employees at their various career stages.

Head of department, human resources Krista Humal

+372 620 8461

Liivalaia 36, 10132, Tallinn

Health Insurance Fund supervisory board

Health Communication Department


The competence of the department includes public relations of the Health Insurance Fund, marketing health literacy and projects, managing public websites, and organising international cooperation.

Head of department, health communication Dan Lõhmus

+372 5621 6418

Liivalaia 36, 10132, Tallinn

Customer Service Department


The task of the department is advising clients, managing customer service channels of the Health Insurance Fund, and processing certificates of incapacity for work.

Head of department, customer service Maris Liitmäe

+372 603 3627

Liivalaia 36, 10132, Tallinn

Partnership Communications Department


The department supports the network of health care providers. We advise partners, help them navigate the landscape of health insurance, and enter into contracts so that invoices for health services provided to people are paid by the Health Insurance Fund. We recruit family physician for unassigned practice lists and contribute to the development and evaluation of the quality of health services.

Head of department, partnership communications Marko Tähnas

+372 744 7496

Riia 142, 50411, Tartu

Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Department


The department provides necessary medicinal products and medical devices intended for independent use to physicians and patients, while being responsible for the budget allocated for this and ensuring that tax revenue is used appropriately.

Head of department, pharmaceuticals and medical devices Erki Laidmäe

+372 620 8435

Liivalaia 36, 10132, Tallinn

Finance Department


The competence of the department includes comprehensive organisation of management accounting of the Health Insurance Fund and development of work processes, organising accounting and processing of treatment invoices. In addition, the competence of the department includes matters related to health services provided in the European Union.

Head of department, finance Riho Peek

+372 620 8347

Liivalaia 36, 10132, Tallinn

Analytics Department


The task of the department is to turn data into information. We offer interactive desktops for departments, solve questions that have arisen with more or less extensive analysis, we develop statistical models, where necessary, to find coding errors and predict future phenomena. In addition, we provide all kinds of analytical advice.

Head of department, analytics Kadri Haller-Kikkatalo

Riia 142, 50411, Tartu

Cloud Department

Jüri-August Kirch

The task of the team is to organise the management of technical IT services and products. The team is responsible for ensuring that the IT services and products of the Health Insurance Fund function, incidents are resolved, changes are implemented, and cloud machinery functions.

Head of department, cloud Jüri-August Kirch

+372 54 33 0155

Liivalaia 36, 10132, Tallinn

Development Department

Arendusosakonna juhataja Jaarika Järviste

The Development Department ensures fast and high-quality development of the health care system and services that meet the expectations of the users of the Health Insurance Fund. In addition, we manage e-Health products and support the growth of innovation capacity of health care. All to ensure that the selection of convenient and necessary health services for the Estonian people expands quickly and wisely.

Head of department, development Jaarika Järviste

+372 603 3641

Liivalaia 36, 10132, Tallinn

Supervisory Department


The competence of the department includes ensuring the expedient use of health insurance funds of the Health Insurance Fund, which includes preventing damage, recovering damage and undue benefits out of court or through court proceedings.

Head of department, supervisory Jelena Kont

+372 335 4491

Nooruse 5, 41597, Jõhvi

General management

Rain Laane

Chairman of the management board Rain Laane

+372 620 8430

Liivalaia 36, 10132, Tallinn

Health care

Maivi Parv

Member of the management board Maivi Parv

+372 744 7449

Liivalaia 36, 10132, Tallinn

Digital Services

Karl-Henrik Peterson

Member of the management board Karl-Henrik Peterson

+372 620 8430

Liivalaia 36, 10132, Tallinn

Audit Committee

  1. Elle Pütsepp
  2. Kristi Toommägi
  3. Viktor Vassiljev

Medical Services Department


The department develops high-quality family medical care, specialized medical care, nursing care and dental care through making new services available, developing care pathways and service models, measuring quality (incl. results and experience reported by the patient), and developing supportive payment methods. We also ensure that the prices of the services cover the actual optimal costs of service providers. Where necessary services are not available in Estonia, we pay for treatment abroad.

Head of department, medical services Liis Kruus

+372 55678689

Riia 142, 50411, Tartu


Pille Banhard

Member of the management board Pille Banhard

+372 620 8430

Liivalaia 36, 10132, Tallinn

Disease Prevention Portfolio Manager

Disease Prevention Portfolio Manager Tiina Österman

Liivalaia 36, 10132, Tallinn

Incapacity benefits service manager

Lea Kalda

Incapacity benefits service manager Lea Kalda

+372 53418960

Suur-Jõe 63, 80042, Pärnu

Head of Information Security

Infoturbe juht Riski- ja vastavusjuht

Head of Information Security Kristo Kapten

+372 620 8317

Head of Risk and Compliance Frank Hendrikson

Liivalaia 36, 10132, Tallinn

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