European Union digital prescription

Medicinal products for dispensation at the discount rate

The Regulation of the Minister of Social Affairs “Conditions and procedure for the issue of prescriptions for medicinal products and for the dispensation of medicinal products by pharmacies and the format of the prescription” has approved the conditions and procedure for prescribing medicinal products and dispensing medicines from pharmacies in the EU.

If a person has provided proof of their insurance cover issued by another EU member state by presenting a respective document, he or she is entitled to medicinal products at discount rate on the same terms as those insured by EHIF. Discount medicinal products are prescribed only if a person has a medically justified indication for that. When prescribing the medicinal product, a physician must decide on the amount by considering how long the patient is going to stay in Estonia.

Formal proofs are: European Health Insurance Card, European Health Insurance Card replacement certificate, Form E112, Certificate S2, Form E123, Certificate DA1.

If a person does not submit a document certifying EU health insurance or the need for providing the medical service to him or her has not become apparent while he or she is staying in Estonia, but he or she still needs medicines due to his or her health condition, the doctor will issue a prescription without a discount.

As the digital prescription information system contains accurate and full data of the insurance certificate for the calculation of discount, it must be taken into account that when issuing a prescription without a discount only the personal identification code and country of residence need to be entered into the digital prescription. No other data should be entered, as in such case the prescription center will automatically calculate the discount.

The physician who prepared the prescription shall enter the details of the patient's identity and insurance document on the prescription in order to authorize the discount and shall keep a copy of the document certifying the EU health insurance cover with the person's medical history. If the competent authority of an EU Member State does not agree to pay the invoice to EHIF and wishes to receive for additional information a copy of the document certifying the person's insurance cover, EHIF has the right to contact the physician who provided the person with medical treatment or issued the prescription.

Medicinal products may be prescribed only by physicians, dentists and midwives who have the right to provide health care services in the Republic of Estonia for outpatient treatment of their patients. Prescription of medicinal products shall be based on the regulation of the Minister of Social Affairs “Conditions and procedure for the issue of prescriptions for medicinal products and for the dispensation of medicinal products by pharmacies and the format of the prescription” (persons and conditions specified in subsection 41 (2) of the Health Insurance Act).

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