Spouse or registered partner participating in the activities of a sole proprietor

Spouses who participate in the activities of self-employed persons and who are not contractual employees or business partners of the self-employed person are entitled to health insurance.

Additional information on starting a business and the obligations of a self-employed person can be found on the website of the Tax and Customs Board www.emta.ee and on the website of Ministry of Justice under ‘Self-employed person’.

If the person does not have health insurance on the day of data submission, insurance will commence after a 14-day waiting period.

If insurance data is submitted while health insurance is still valid, there is no waiting period and insurance will continue uninterrupted on a new basis.

Health insurance stops two months after the suspension of activities, including seasonal activities. Information about the suspension must be submitted to the Health Insurance Fund by the Tax and Customs Board within 10 calendar days. After the suspension is lifted, health insurance resumes without a waiting period.

Health insurance remains valid for two more months after the termination of participation in the company's activities or the entry of a deletion entry. The validity of health insurance can be checked in the state portal service ‘Account number and personal data in the Health Insurance Fund’.

You can check the validity of your health insurance in the service ‘My current account with the Health Insurance Fund’ of the state portal eesti.ee, by phoning the Health Insurance Fund’s customer service (+372) 669 6630.

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