This includes active servicemen, Riigikogu members, the President, Government officials, judges, the Chancellor of Justice, Auditor General, local government members, and rural/city elders

Officials, active servicemen, members of the Riigikogu, the President of the Republic, members of the Government of the Republic, judges, the Chancellor of Justice, the Auditor General, members of local government councils, members of rural municipality and city governments, rural municipality or city district elder.

A person working in civil service at state and local government agencies, a person recruited as a contractual regular member of the Defence Forces or in alternative service, members of the Riigikogu, President of the Republic, members of the Government of the Republic, judges, the Chancellor of Justice, the Auditor General, members of local government councils, members of rural municipality and city governments, and rural municipality or city district elders are entitled to health insurance.

Insurance will commence when the 14-day waiting period from starting employment entered into the employment register has passed. If the day of commencing employment is during a period of a valid insurance coverage, it will continue uninterrupted on a new basis.

Insurance is terminated two months after the date the contract was terminated.

The termination of the contract must be registered in the employment register within ten days. Additional information can be inquired from the Tax and Customs Board.

You can check the validity of your health insurance in the service ‘My current account with the Health Insurance Fund’ of the state portal, by phoning the Health Insurance Fund’s customer service (+372) 669 6630.

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